
Windows xp registry repair command
Windows xp registry repair command

windows xp registry repair command

From the command prompt window, type “systemreset –factoryreset ” (without quotes).Method 1: Perform Windows 10 reset from command line How do you wipe a computer using command prompt? Select ‘Safe Mode with Command Prompt’ in the boot menu that displays on your screen or choose another boot option from the list, depending on what you need. To boot XP TO the command Prompt, repeatedly press ‘F8’ to load the ‘Advanced Settings’ menu. How do I boot to Command Prompt in Windows XP? Follow the wizard instructions to continue with System Restore.

windows xp registry repair command

When Command Prompt appears, type this command: rstrui.exe.At the Advanced Boot Options screen, choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt.How do I wipe Windows XP from Command Prompt?

Windows xp registry repair command